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Showing posts from January, 2023


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what is fashion weeks india

Fashion Week India is a bi-annual event where Indian designers showcase their latest collections to buyers, the press, and the general public. The events take place in major fashion capitals in India such as Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore. The collections shown during Fashion Week India are typically for the upcoming season, which means that the Spring/Summer collections are shown in September/October, and the Fall/Winter collections are shown in February/March. Fashion Week India is a highly-anticipated event in the Indian fashion industry, as it sets the tone for the upcoming season's trends. Indian designers put a lot of effort into their shows, which can include elaborate sets, music, and choreography. The shows are also an opportunity for Indian designers to showcase their creativity and push the boundaries of Indian fashion. In addition to the main shows, there are also a number of smaller events that take place during Fashion Week India, such as presentations, pop-up shops, an...